About STCF
South Toe Conservation Fund is a fund established to conserve land in the South Toe Valley. STCF is more than a fund; it is a network of people working to protect and preserve the wild nature of the South Toe Valley. You can join our grassroots effort by learning about local land conservation, donating money (or property), and educating your neighbors about conservation opportunities.
Conservation is a way of dealing with Nature’s basic asymmetry: that growth is slow, and destruction fast. - Cliff Crego
Who we are
We are South Toe residents deeply in love with the mountain forests that are our home. We aim to preserve the wild character of the Black Mountains and South Toe Valley for generations to come by raising awareness and funds to conserve vulnerable properties.
The South Toe River Valley
Some say the South Toe is the most pristine river of its kind in the state. Most of its water originates in the Black Mountains - the tallest range on the eastern side of the great Mississippi watershed. Large tracts of public lands -- Mount Mitchell State Park, Blue Ridge Parkway NP, and Pisgah NF -- circle (and protect) the headwaters. The river itself is renowned for its populations of trout, hellbenders, and the endangered elktoe mussel. Many private landowners have made conscious decisions to treat their land with great care, and an eye to the future. We are here to help build this conservation ethic in the valley and to provide resources to land owners who want to do their part in the great multi-generational effort to preserve the wild nature of this special river valley.
Our Board
Benjamin Peverall, President
(Spruce Pine Montessori, Teacher)
Tal Galton, Treasurer
(Snakeroot Ecotours, Owner/Naturalist)
Jonathan Hartsell
(Blue Ridge Resource Conservation & Development Council, Executive Director)
Jessica Schaner
(NC Natural Heritage Program, Western Region Field Biologist)
Felix Stith
(Black Mountain Field & Forest, Operator & Owner)